Resolve version 7.3.1 includes many exciting enhancements focusing on questionnaires, vulnerability importers, and data exploration. Also in this release is a brand new file upload workflow! When uploading documents or importing scan files you will now be shown the progress of the overall upload, enhanced error messages on any issues encountered while uploading, and the ability to cancel individual items being uploaded.

New Feature Functionality

  • This release includes the new async jobs floating menu! An icon will appear in the bottom right whenever async jobs are in progress and in upcoming releases will expand to show all queued and completed items
  • Our new support portal is now live at This is also accessible by clicking the question mark in the top right of the window
  • Questionnaires can now be edited after submission by the questionnaire assignee, or project admins
  • Checklist tasks now show remediation instructions for linked master findings
  • The add manual instance workflow has been updated to describe restrictions more clearly in verification creation.
  • Global comment notifications can now include the name of the entity the comment was left on
  • The global documents page has been removed; all documents can still be found under their respective projects
  • The search widget for assigning users to project roles has been update for UX and to only include users authorized for that project
  • Data sources and assets will now be present in all grids, even when the have no vulnerabilities associated with them
  • Asset names can now be edited on both the Asset Details page and the Asset node in the Workspace Finding Tree
  • Scan importer now supports AppScan Cloud XML scan files. 
  • Terms of Service are now presented upon first login
  • Workspace tree shows an icon if master finding is unverified
  • Project request enhancements – Now a new project request automatically creates a project in a state of Request. 

Bug Fixes

  • Nessus scan imports were incorrectly deduplicating assets that contained both hostnames and IPs
  • The finding activity tab was not rendering in the browser, it has been removed and the Finding History now reflects the intended functionality
  • Text overflow issues for many fields across the platform
  • Default questionnaire notification template has been updated. Notification email now includes project name, client name and project type
  • Nessus scan imports were failing if host properties are empty in scan file. This is fixed now
  • Fixed issue with questionnaires grid where Due date and Assign date were showing incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to edit short name for Business Units synced from Financial Force
  • Major performance enhancements on User Details page
  • Fixed Issues with affected URLs while bulk uploading assets in a workspace
  • Unauthenticated LDAP access is now allowed to be configured in resolve
  • Multiple IP addresses and emails can be whitelisted in authentication
  • Various issues with findings count on Program Management Dashboard
  • Fixed an issue with the assets where serial number was being set automatically while updating external ID
  • Issue with master findings, where CVEs are not being added to duplicate master findings, is fixed
  • Fixed an issue where underscores (_) were being removed from various entity names
  • Fixed auto refresh issue on Project Type page while updating authorization
  • Domain name was case sensitive while logging in via LDAP
  • Various UI and UX enhancements