The following tables list commonly used entity fields available to Report Templates and Export Templates.
Important: The fields that appear in a report or data export are determined by the user generating the report or exporting data. If the user's role does not allow them to view certain fields, those fields will not appear in the output.
Table 1. Application fields Field | Description |
id | The Resolve ID of the application. |
internetFacing | Specifies if the application is reachable from the internet. |
name | The name of the application. |
primaryUrl | The primary URL of the application. |
status | The status of the application |
version | The version of the application. |
Table 2. Asset fields Field | Description |
applicationId | Any application IDs associated with the asset. |
assetType | The platform that the asset belongs to, such as Microsoft Windows or VMware ESX. |
closedFindings | The number of closed findings associated with the asset. |
cvss | The CVSS V2 score of the asset. |
cvssV3 | The CVSS V3 score of the asset. |
description | The description of the asset. |
dns | The domain name of the asset. |
environment | The environment the asset is located in. |
externalIdentifier | An external or third-party ID of the asset. |
findingId | Any finding IDs associated with the asset. |
id | The Resolve ID of the asset. |
importance | The business importance of the asset. |
ipaddress | The IP address of the asset. |
hostName | The host name of the asset. |
lastUpdated | The date and time the asset was last updated. |
masterfindingId | Any master finding IDs associated with the asset. |
name | The asset name. |
openFindings | The number of open findings associated with the asset. |
owner | The person, group, or department responsible for the asset. |
projectsId | Any project IDs associated with the asset. |
serialnumber | The serial number of the asset. |
site | The site that the asset is located. |
Table 3 - Finding Fields
Field | Description |
assetDescription | The description of the asset associated with the finding. |
assetId | The Resolve ID of the asset associated with the finding. |
assetName | The name of the asset associated with the finding. |
assetType | The type or platform of the asset associated with the finding. |
assignedTo | The user the finding is assigned to. |
assignedToId | The Resolve ID of the user the finding is assigned to. |
businessImpact | The business impact of the finding. |
category | The category of the finding. |
created_on | The date and time the finding was created. |
cwe | The CWE associated with the finding. |
description | The description of the finding. |
dns | The DNS name of the associated asset. |
environment | The environment of the finding. |
externalIdentifier | The external ID associated with the finding. |
hostName | The host name of the associated asset. |
id | The Resolve ID of the finding. |
ip | The IP address of the associated asset. |
masterFindingId | The ID of the correlated master finding. |
masterFindingVariation | The name of the finding. |
mitreAttackTacticName | The MITRE Attack Tactic |
mitreAttackTechniqueName | The MITRE Attach Technique |
otherReferences | References with more information regarding the vulnerability of the finding. |
owasp2013VulnerabilityType | The OWASP 2013 vulnerability type. |
owasp2017VulnerabilityType | The OWASP 2017 vulnerability type. |
owaspMobile2014VulnerabilityType | The OWASP Mobile 2014 vulnerability type. |
owaspMobile2016VulnerabilityType | The OWASP Mobile 2014 vulnerability type. |
pciRequirement | The PCI requirement number. |
projectsId | The Resolve ID of the project that the finding appears in. |
remediationDueDate | The remediation due date. |
scanId | The Resolve ID of the scan that the finding appears in. |
severity | The severity of the finding. |
state | The state of the finding. |
wascVulnerabilityType | The WASC vulnerability type. |
Table 4. Project fields Field | Description |
applicationAsset | The application asset associated with the project. |
applicationname | The application associated with the project. |
appSourceCodeId | The application source code ID associated with the project. |
businessUnit | The business unit the project belongs to. |
created | The date and time the project was created. |
description | The description of the project. |
enddate | The end date of the project duration. |
externalEngagementId | The external engagement ID associated with the project. |
externalEngagementName | The name of the external engagement associated with the project. |
externalId | An external or third-party ID of the project. |
externalName | An external or third-party name of the project. |
externalSourceCode | An external or third-party source code of the project. |
id | The Resolve ID of the project |
interval | The recurring time interval of the project. |
lastUpdated | The date and time the project was last updated. |
name | The project name. |
projectGroup | The group the project belongs to. |
projectType | The project type. |
scanEnd | The end time of the scan associated with the project. |
scanStart | The start time of the scan associated with the project. |
scope | The scope of the project. |
shortName | A short or truncated name of the project. |
startdate | The start date of the project duration. |
state | The state of the project. |
validationEnd | The end date for validation testing. |
validationStart | The start date for validation testing. |
verificationEnd | The start date for verification testing. |
verificationStart | The start date for verification testing. |
version | The application version associated with the project. |
Table 5. Scan fields Field | Description |
endTime | The end time of the scan. |
fileName | The name of the file that was scanned. |
id | The Resolve ID of the scan. |
importedOn | The date and time the scan was imported. |
masterFindingId | Any master finding IDs associated with the scan. |
scanType | The scan type. |
startTime | The start time of the scan. |
status | The status of the scan. |
Table 6. User fields Field | Description |
address | The street address the user works at. |
city | The city the user works in. |
country | The country the user works in. |
createdOn | The date the user was created. |
defaultDashboard | The default dashboard assigned to the user. |
email | The user's email address. |
fax | The user's fax number. |
firstName | The user's first name. |
id | The Resolve ID of the user. |
lastName | The user's last name. |
lastSignIn | The date the user last logged on to Resolve. |
mobilePhone | The user's mobile phone number. |
phone | The user's work or desk phone number. |
skipMultifactor | A true or false value indicating if multi-factor authentication can be skipped for this user. |
sourceType | The authentication method used to log in to Resolve, such as LDAP, SAML, or the local Resolve database. |
state | The state the user works in. |
status | The status of the user (active or deactivated). |
title | The user's work title. |
userName | The user's user name for Resolve. |
zip | The zip code the user works in. |