Resolve supports using Google or Twilio for multi-factor authentication. Only one method can be used at a time.

  1. From the top menu, select Administration > Authentication.
  2. Click the Multi-factor configuration tab.
  3. (Optional) Use the Require multi-factor authentication toggle to specify if multi-factor authentication is required.
  4. (Optional) Exempt IP addresses from requiring multi-factor authentication, such as IP addresses belonging to an internal or secure network.
    1. Enable the Exempt IP addresses from multi-factor authentication toggle.
    2. In the Exempted IP Addresses field, enter the IP addresses separated by commas.
    3. (Optional) Click Validate IP addresses.
  5. Select the authentication method.
    • Google — Click Google.
    • Twilio
      1. Click Twilio.
      2. Enter the message initiator, token, and SID.
      3. Close the Twilio Authentication Details window.
  6. Click Save.