View and update details of instances, such as the affected URL or attack parameters.

  1. Open a workspace.
    1. From the top menu, select Workbench > Projects.
    2. Click the project entry.
    3. Click the Workspaces tab.
    4. To switch the workspace, click the displayed workspace name, then select the workspace.
  2. From the finding tree, select an instance node.
  3. Perform any of these tasks:
    View full instance detailsClick the ellipse icon (  ) and select View full details.
    Flag instance as entry pointClick Flag as entry point.
    Modify instance information
    1. In the Instance Details tab, click any of the modifiable fields.
    2. Enter or update the information, then click the checkmark icon (  ).
    Modify the severityIn the Instance Details tab, click the severity or Add Severity, then select the severity.
    View verification items
    1. Click the Verification Items tab.
    2. To view item details, click an item entry.
    Add a comment
    1. Click the Comments tab.
    2. Enter the comment in the Write a comment field.
    3. If you want the comment to appear for this entity in the Track module, select Show comment in Track.
    4. Click Post Comment.