The following lists display the allowed columns for importing data to Resolve.
Note: Custom fields are not currently supported.
Asset columns
- AssetCvssVector
- AssetDescription
- AssetDnsName
- AssetEnvironment
- AssetExternalIdentifier
- AssetFunction
- AssetHostName
- AssetIsVirtual
- AssetIpAddress
- AssetLocation
- AssetName
- AssetOwner
- AssetProduct
- AssetSerialNumber
- AssetTier
- AssetType
Finding/instance columns
- AffectedSource
- AffectedSourceLine
- AffectedUrl
- AttackParameter
- FindingCvssVector
- FindingFirstFoundDate
- FindingFirstReportedDate
- InstanceCookieName
- InstanceDescription
- InstanceExternalIdentifier
- InstanceName
- InstanceQueryParameterName
- InstanceScannerConfidence
- PortName
- PortNumber
- PortProtocol
- VerificationCaption01 (up to 7 caption/text pairs can be entered by altering the number...02...03...)
- VerificationText01
Master finding columns
- BidNote: Bid is the BugTraq ID.
- BusinessImpact
- CveIDs
- Cwe
- ExploitInstructions
- MasterFindingDescription
- MasterFindingName
- MasterFindingSourceIdentifier
- MasterFindingSeverity
- 1 = Low
- 2 = Medium
- 3 = High
- 4 = Critical
- Owasp2010
- Owasp2013
- Owasp2017
- OwaspMobile
- OwaspMobile2014
- References
- RemediationInstructions
- VerificationInstructions